7. "I love you"
We put this phrase in this section because it is frequently used every day, so many neural connections related to the attraction are not created after hearing it. But if you really feel that you want to mention this phrase all the time, you are 100% free to do so.

8. "I believe enormously in you"
Most of the time, we think that to turn on the man, women have to use very technical
and complicated words. But sometimes, it is enough to show how much you trust him.
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9. "Are you ready for a hot night? I do!"
Having made several advances in the game, such as: create attraction and comfort, you can say it, at this level, you will be ready to create a nocturnal meeting. You can also send this phrase by text message or Facebook to fantasize a bit.

10. "I will support you at all times, with anything you want in life"
We believe that one of the evolutionary reasons for which humans create relationships is because we always need help on a particular subject and we want to have that person who encourages and supports us.
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