Kids say the darnedest things, right? Well, sometimes kids say the scariest things too.
A lot of people say they admire children for their honesty, courage and imagination. And it's true, plenty of kids are unapologetically honest and have imaginations that put their adult counterparts to shame.
But not everything children say is well received, especially if it's on the creepy, bizarre, terrifying side of things. Well, we've found 16 kids that have uttered some pretty bone-chilling things to their caretakers that will make you never want to babysit again!
It may be easy to dismiss some of these lines at first glance, but just imagine if you were one the receiving end! How would you react? Would you be able to casually shrug it off? Or would you start to wonder...?
We've put together the 16 most terrifyingly creepy things that kids have said to their babysitters.
1. The kid I was babysitting was watching TV and I asked him a question. He responded: "Not now," and continued watching TV. A few minutes later he looked at the wall and said, "I'll see you later ok?!" It was terrifying!
2. While flipping through an old yearbook, my cousin came walking up and glanced down and pointed to a boy's photo. "That's Nicholas." I asked her who Nicholas was and she replied that he was a boy that lived in her closet!
3. My nephew would talk about the woman in red who would float into his room at night. It was spooky!
4. When I was putting my friend's daughter to bed she questioned why she had to go to bed and so I told her that it was time for little girls to go to bed. She pointed at the empty air next to the bed and asks, "What about that little girl?". There was nothing there.
5. My niece is only 4 years old and doesn't know anything about miscarriages but her mother did have one several years ago. So, my niece is constantly talking to her "older sister". She doesn't have an older sister.
6. My cousin talked about 'the lady with the braid' for several minutes until she described that the lady was hanging herself with her braid!
7. My boyfriend died and my little cousin asked why I was sad and I told her. She then looked at me with a puzzled look and asked "Why? He's sitting on your doorstep."
8. I was babysitting a little girl who told me she loved me so much she wanted to put me in a glass jar to keep forever and ever!
9. My neighbor's toddler asked when I was due...before I even knew I was pregnant! I found out a couple days later!
10. My nephew was coloring a flesh removal system to make skeletons. Yes, I know. Serial killer in the making?
11. A friend's young child drew me a picture of a woman being hanged. She told me the lady told her to draw it because she's coming to get me!
12. My friend's 3 year old son told me he wouldn't chew on my bones....ever.
13. My friend's daughter freaked herself out when she was staring outside and watching the night sky come. She came running to me crying. "The dark is coming inside!!" I had to sit and rock her for hours!
14. I was babysitting a 6 year old who all of a sudden started yelling to crucify his puppy! HIS puppy!
15. "A toddler I was watching woke up in the middle of the night screaming about something under his bed. I checked and told him, 'Go back to sleep, there's nothing under there.' His reply? 'He's behind you now.' "

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