8. The Lazarus sign is a spinal arc reflex that causes the arms to rise and cross over the chest (much like a mummy, as depicted below). That’s pretty cool on its own, but what makes it creepy is that it can happen after you’re dead. Spinal arc reflexes are relayed directly to the spine, without any need to run through the brain, so they can happen even after the brain has already died.

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9. Prions are the zombies of the microbial world, little proteins that “infect” other proteins into behaving like them, despite not being alive. Prions are responsible for “mad cow disease,” as well as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, a universally-fatal brain disorder in humans. There’s no known cure for these zombies, they can infect you if you eat any beef tainted by mad cow disease, and they’re almost always fatal! Happy Halloween!

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