We all remember being children and learning to use the bathroom all by ourselves. We proudly declared that we were ‘big boys’ or ‘big girls’ and could go to the washroom on our own. Such a moment is quite a momentous one for a child, and signifies a big step for both parent and child alike.
So, when one little girl asked her mother if she could use the bathroom at McDonalds by herself, it was a pretty big deal when her mom said, yes.
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Nicole & Kaya
The mom in question, Nicole Langmead, was at a local McDonalds with her four-year-old daughter, Kaya. It was New Year's Day, and the pair were there to both eat and play. It was an exciting day for Kaya, and her mom had finally given her permission to use the bathroom on her own.
But when Kaya didn't come back from the washroom right away, Nicole knew something was wrong.
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