Knee Buckling

When your knee buckles at a very young age, it’s usually not serious. But as you get older, your knees can become weaker. So when it buckles, it’s usually not a good sign. Healthline states that the number one cause for your knee buckling is an injury. They add that many cases of knee instability are caused by injuries from high-impact activities such as running. The most common injuries are ACL tears and
meniscus tears. The other common cause for your knee buckling according to Healthline is arthritis. Inflammation fills your joints and will often affect the knees. Knee buckling is a common form of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
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Pain In the Back of the Ear
It can be difficult to identify what is causing your headache. But if you have a persistent pain in the back of your ear, it can be a number of things according to Healthline. One of the reasons could be that you have pinched nerves in your neck. You can get pinched nerves in your neck if you keep it bent for a long period of time. Another reason you might have pain in the back of your ear is dental problems. Healthline explains that if you have an abscessed tooth or, or other dental issues, it can cause pain behind the ear.
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