Did you ever play the 'Where's Waldo' game as a kid? You know—the guy with the striped shirt, glasses and striped hat? Searching for Waldo among a crowd of circus performers or on a crowded beach was sometimes next to impossible. It sure was a fun way to pass the time on those long car rides, though.
Well, illustrator Gergely Dudás creates fun comics and pictures that he posts online. Some of these comics are fashioned in the style of the Where's Waldo comics—pictures that contain a hidden element camouflaged by a crowd.
Gergely recently posted a photo of a panda hidden among snowmen. Dudás posted on Facebook, "There's a panda amongst them. Can you find it?"
Take a look at the photo below, and see if you can identify the panda! Be sure to post below if you do manage to find it, and see how long it took others to spot it!

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