LeBron James is arguably the greatest NBA basketball player in history. He's been playing for 15 years and instead of slowing down or sitting out games due to injuries he just keeps improving and getting better. He's played in nearly 94% of all games in his 15 years with the Cavs! This feat is unheard of and unbelievable.
Legendary basketball stars like Larry Bird played and then suffered back problems forcing them out of the game they loved. Age-related injuries are common in such rigorous sports, especially at the professional level. Normally athletes peak after a few years and they fade out making room for the new up-and-coming superstars. Not in LeBron's case!
LeBron has a secret weapon!
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Do You Have A Biomechanist? You Need One!
LeBron James is a freak of nature. He has played in 94% of all possible NBA games in his 15-year career in the NBA. It's an unheard of statistic. Most elite athletes that have played in professional sports for 15 years are about ready to call it quits and retire, especially basketball. Age-related and athletic-related injuries compound and cause lackluster performance that slows down and debilitates the body over the years. LeBron? Nope. LeBron is in the best shape of his life. He eats clean. He works out multiple times a day, everyday. He employs personal chefs, personal trainers, masseuses, reflexologists, and....a biomechanist. What the...what the heck is a biomechanist you ask?
Well, a biomechanist is a specialized doctor that's highly intune with the way the body moves and performs. They are knowledgeable in the latest technology and techniques to keep the body in tip-top, peak condition. LeBron's biomechanist has been a regular fixture at all of LeBron's NBA games for the past few years. He observes and analyzes LeBron's performance at every training session and at every game. He sees what movements can be done even better and works on improving those movements with specialized techniques.
Does it work? The proof is LeBron himself! He defies the natural aging process and is an incredible specimen. Back injuries, ankle injuries, nothing has kept this guy down. It's pretty safe to assume we could all benefit from having a biomechanist in our lives, yes?